Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Two Survivors

To be brief, I was really affected by September 11 this year. I was reading articles and learning about the people and it just felt very personal. When I expressed this on Monday to a coworker, she was very nice talking to me about it. Yesterday she told me that a meditation center she goes to was having an event on remembering 9/11, and they were having two survivors speak at it.

I went to it yesterday and it was pretty intense. They both had simply fascinating stories, but one of them, Fred, told us he was in a conference room and saw the plane coming straight for them, and at one point he was looking directly into the cockpit, and the plane then banked up in the final minutes and hit the floor above him. He had copies of his emergency call made to 911 that he played for us, as well as a transcipt of the dispatcher communicating with the fire department. The stories don't even sound real.

Anyway, it was a moving event (duh) and I am so thankful to Gretchen for sharing it with me.

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